The White Rose Foundation was established as the 501 (C) (3) public charity supporting the public service programs of the Inglewood Pacific Chapter of The Links, Inc. Community support is provided in the following ways:
Health: Inglewood Pacific Chapter has partnered with several community based organizations to raise awareness by providing HIV/AIDS educational forums and preventive health care services for breast cancer, oral health, hypertension and diabetics.
Educational Assistance: Inglewood students have received the following educational assistance and support: SAT and CAHEE preparatory workshops, age appropriate literary materials for libraries, scholarships for high school seniors and financial contribution to HBCUs.
Artistic Expression: Master teachers provided youth with an exposure to various forms of artistic expressions to include photography, photojournalism, art, dance and various music genres.
As a 501 (c)(3) public charity, the White Rose Foundation seeks private and public support from individuals, corporations and local businesses. Information on special events, sponsorships, scholarship endowments and general donations can be obtained through written requests. To make a tax contribution, make your check payable to “ The White Rose Foundation ”. White Rose Foundation will also accept bequests and planned gifts.